helping kids experience football

The Southern Minnesota Youth Football League is a non-profit organization and was formed with the intent to promote, organize, and coordinate the activities of its youth football member communities.

Our core mission is to provide a dynamic and safe environment where youth tackle football athletes can develop their skills, embrace healthy competition, and experience the joy of football. All of our member communities are guided by the principles of sportsmanship, respect, and dignity for all.

If your community is interested in joining our league we would love to hear from you. We have board members who have built youth football programs from the ground up and would be happy to support interested communities.

OUR LEAGUE PROvideS A framework that…

allows teams from the various participating communities to play each other.

EstablisheS a uniform set of playing rules.

DevelopS and maintainS game schedules for each grade division among the participating communities.

ProvideS a mechanism and authority for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints.

ProvideS information to community program leaders and coaches.

FosterS an environment where respect to ones-self, teammates, opponents, officials, and coaches are demanded.